UPPSALA | Wednesday 13 September at 19:00. Free, but ticketed.
Do we need bookshops in the twenty-first century? If so, what makes a good one? In the age of one-click shopping, why are bookshops – and how do they become – essential places of discovery, refuge, and fulfillment that enrich the communities that are lucky enough to have them.
Sign up & join this panel discussion, for trade folk as well as bookshop lovers and customers.
Special guest is Jeff Deutsch, this year's Adam Helms Lecturer at Uppsala University (lecture on Tuesday 12 Sept).
Sign up & join the panel discussion on the role of the physical bookshop in contemporary society with Jeff Deutsch, Mats Ahlström (former president of the Swedish Booksellers Association), and Jan Smedh (co-founder of The English Bookshop). The discussion is in English.
The event is free, but ticketed – book your ticket today!
» Sign up at www.bit.ly/talk-good-bookshops
(Since seating is limited, please only book if you can make it.)
Wednesday 13th September 2023 at 19:00
at The English Bookshop, Svartbäcksgatan 19 in Uppsala.